16: Travis Yates, Law Enforcement Expert, Speaker and Author
Travis Yates began his law enforcement career in 1993, and after serving in the law enforcement profession for 30 years, retired as a Major in 2023.
During his law enforcement career, Travis was assigned to Patrol, Gang Investigations, Training, Technology, Policy, Media Relations, Jail Operations, and Special Operations.
Travis holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Spanish and a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern State University.
He obtained his Doctorate Degree from Liberty University with a focus on Strategic Leadership.
His website, which can be found on Substack is called Courageous Police Leadership and he has a podcast called, Courageous Leadership.
He’s also a best selling author and I highly recommend you read his book, “The Courageous Police Leader.”
He is a widely sought out speaker for law enforcement agencies, schools, businesses and conferences.
His seminars range from leadership, tactics, survival, and resiliency. Y
ou can learn more about Travis and the great work he does on the topic of leadership by visiting his website and by listening to his podcast.
Website - Courageous Police Leader
Podcast: Courageous Leadership
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