09: arson investigator and firefighter andy reardon
In this episode of Behind The Line, Tim sits down with the Arson Investigator and Firefighter Andy Reardon.
Battalion Chief Andy Reardon joined the Austin Fire Department in 1995 after serving 4 years in the United States Marine Corp.
Battalion Chief Reardon has worked a number of assignments during his time with the Austin Fire Department, including 11 years as an arson investigator.
In this episode, Battalion Chief Reardon talks about his career in the fire service and provides details related to a couple of criminal cases he investigated as an arson investigator.
One investigation involved an arranged marriage where just days after the couple was married, the new bride set her new husband on fire.
Another case was in regard to two young children who died in a “garage” fire. A vehicle parked outside the garage caught fire and the fire spread to the “garage” where the two children were sleeping.
Chief Reardon is still working at the Austin Fire Department and those who work with him as well as the community are lucky to have him serving them.
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